Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"Fish Swimming In Beer"

I think our society is becoming numb to so many things. Really look at your cell phone and tell me how many numbers you know by heart. Remember before laptops and cellulars you had to hand write your whole english essay or remember all your friends number. When was the last time you walk across the street from where you were to make a call on a pay phone. Everything is a lot easier now but is it good for our mental growth. If we use less of our brain power in the name of new technology what exactly will become of the portions of our brain we aren't using anymore? Society is weird because we want these new ways of doing things to make it easier on ourselves but we loose some of our intelligence with certain aspects of it. I never thought I would have a device that stored over 10,000 songs rather than have a walkman which i had to manually press rewind/forward to get to a song I wanted to hear. Think about how lazy we are, do you realize that the average American is overweight. It's all just a thought. It kind of makes me want to step back a moment and maybe re-memorize the important numbers in my phone or do my math our instead of using a calculator . . . JUST to keep my brain exercised lol.


Mimi said...

You dont have to remember numbers... realistically.. who calls people anymore?